Sunday, February 6, 2011

Peppers Of Pre-History

Day 116: Time. Many refer to it as the "fourth dimension," a concept which cannot be measured in width, breadth or depth or, for that matter, any of the other hypothesized dimensions now popular in theoretical physics. What is time, anyway?

Is it only a construct of the human mind, an artificial measurement? Is it measurable at all? Certainly those increments we refer to as seconds, minutes and hours are quantifiable, but are they qualifiable? Consider if you will the idea of waiting for a bus in the rain. Now consider the same span of minutes engaged a pleasurable activity. Time passes quickly in the latter scenario, and drags out in the former. Clearly "ten minutes" is not an accurate description of these dimensional experiences.

Consider the Peppers Of Pre-History here. How long have they hung in my kitchen window, and in how many previous kitchens? Their colors are bright, preserved from the sun's hard brush by a curtain. Have they hung there six months or six years? Time...time...they've been there forever, a "forever" which was an awakening for me today as I photographed them; a "forever" of over forty years.

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