Tuesday, March 1, 2011

Allegro Con Brio

Day 139: You might describe the tempo as "light and bright," although the translation is something more along the lines of "quickly, with vigor," and if ever there was anything a winter day needed more than light and vigor, I surely don't know what it might be. It's a good day for Haydn, and you may take that for a play on words if you will. I have a whole Liszt of things I'd rather be doing than sitting here watching rain and snow come down, and I need to do some serious Chopin, but I can't get out of my driveway. We've had Bach to Bach snowstorms for a week now. I just can't Handel any more.


  1. I love the image and your Faure into punning composers is quite witty.

  2. I can Telemann of musical erudition by the tympani he keeps. :wink:
