Friday, September 30, 2011

Artichoke In Flower

Day 352: My next-door neighbor Clyde keeps a small garden, mainly growing enough zucchini and patty-pan squash to feed a small army, produce he lavishes on all and sundry. However, the feature I love best is the corner dedicated to globe artichokes, shown here in the bloomed-out stage and resembling nothing so much as a thistle on steroids.

Admittedly, Clyde's 'chokes are nothing to compare to the large ones seen in grocery stores, but they are just as tasty despite their small size. The plants produce prolifically, and I suspect he might get larger buds if he pinched the plants as they develop, but that's not his way. He fertilizes and waters them, and harvests enough for his personal use, occasionally bringing a small bagful across the fence.

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