Tuesday, February 21, 2012

A Gathering Of Friends

Day 131: The Breakfast Bunch was split into several groups this morning, each knot of friends perched in one of several vantage-point trees from which they can observe activity at three or four neighborhood feeding stations. I am not the only one who delivers meals of dog food, corn, macaroni, bread and such. Clyde does, as well as two other neighbors further on down the road. The Breakfast Bunch trusts me to announce the meal spread on the board. I give forth with two caws, repeated once or twice at well-spaced intervals, to say that there is food here. They do not watch for me so much, confident that I'll alert them, although they do keep an eye on the Steller's Jays who also come to the feeding board.

This morning, the conclave was split into parts of four to six members, perhaps discussing the weather (soon to rain in torrents) or perhaps to comment on the herd of elk which has now returned to graze new-sprung grass shoots in the pasture. There was some intermingling between factions, one bird temporarily visiting another's roost as if to exchange confidential information. It was a social morning for this gathering of friends.

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