Friday, August 3, 2012

Pipsissewa, Chimaphila Umbellata

Day 304: When given the choice of two common names, I find that "Pipsissewa" has more character in its pronunciation than "Western Prince's Pine." Waitaminit! "Pine?" What association with pine does Chimaphila umbellata have that the word should be part of its name? Ridiculous, I say!

Pipsissewa is found frequently in the mixed conifer forests of the western Cascades and in Mount Rainier National Park. Its pretty drooping flowers have five thick, waxy petals. Its evergreen leaves are leathery and toothed along the margins. Flower stalks seldom rise more than 10-12 inches from the base. This plant is truly a jewel among wildflowers despite its common nature, a favorite among hikers wherever it blooms.

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