Friday, August 31, 2012

Return Of The Black Blade

Day 332: 'Twas a cold dawn but there was a matter wot needed settlin' betwixt two old foes, and the Black Blade had a mind to see it to a firm end when she stepped onto the deck of a ship wot's name I'll not be sayin'. Ye'd know it if I spoke the word, and ye'd know for certain the name of a chap who'd stood on the very selfsame deck. I'll not be tellin' of that story here. The Black Blade will come 'round to it in her own good time. Yet 'twas a fine battle engaged on this day, her Ladyship victorious, and that be the tale for her relatin'. I only say she lived to tell it, mates, and wi' her skulkin' round her cabin lookin' for the rum, I'll not be crossin' her by lettin' the cat go out'n the bag.

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