Sunday, September 2, 2012

Missed One!

Day 334: Well, neener-neener-neener! The dang deer and elk missed a few! This rosy, sweet little gem became my dessert tonight, and never did a tiny tomato taste better! If the weather holds for another week, I might have a dozen more.

It is always a battle with the browsers here. You wouldn't call them aggressive, but they're only a pinch shy of it, brazenly walking on my back porch steps to get 'round the various lines and noisemakers I've hung to deter them. Nor is it that they're short of natural food, though I have to agree that a tender, juicy tomato is better fare than crackly grass and withering ferns. What baffles me is why they are even eating "deer-resistant" species such as hostas and crocosmia. Frustrating, but at least this year, I can say I got a crop (loosely termed) of tomatoes.

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