Tuesday, October 23, 2012

Happy Hallowthanksmas!

Day 21: When I was young, Hallowe'en happened in October. After a suitable interval, it was followed in November by Thanksgiving. The "Christmas season" opened officially with the Friday following Thanksgiving, but didn't really get into full sway until the stores started pushing their wares by reminding people that "There are only ten shopping days left!" You did not see witches beside paper turkeys, nor did you see pilgrim hats beside Santa and his reindeer. There was a division of holidays which allowed celebrants time to recover from one fit or gorging on candy before moving onto the next with its pumpkin pies, and time for the turkey to settle nicely in the stomach before the cookies and fruitcakes started to arrive from relatives. There was enjoyment to be had in anticipating a unique holiday each month of the dreary winter, traditions to brighten the spirit and pull family closer together.

Now the festivities are all a-jumble, and I don't need to tell you that commercialism and greed form the foundations for store shelves burdened with ghouls and Christmas angels side-by-side. You already know that. You hate the obligatory shopping steeped in oneupsmanship as do I: "But I know they're going to spend at least $10 on us, so we have to get them something nicer."

So where's it going to stop? If we need two months to gear up for Christmas, why not put the Hallowe'en candy out in August? Let's start celebrating Valentine's Day in December! Let's have Easter baskets on the shelves at least by early February! Or why not...and this is a daring suggestion...go back to shopping in season and save our nerves from all the hype?

Is it too early for me to wish you a Happy Hallowthanksmas? I think not.

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