Saturday, May 18, 2013

If Only My Garden Looked Like This...

Day 228: I had the privilege of spending today with my good friend Kevin and his oldest son, first going to see the new Star Trek movie (excellent!) and then returning to his home for dinner with the whole family. While waiting for the lasagna to settle enough to make room for strawberry shortcake, Kevin and I went on a photo shoot in his yard. Ah, I wish my garden looked like this! From the top left, one of two enormous rhododendron bushes provided hundreds of flower clusters for models. On the right, a cultivated hybrid of Bleeding-Hearts dangled inch-wide pouches from a stem. For me, the spotlight was stolen by the beautiful red columbine in the lower left which, banked against the green siding of the house, shone like a beacon even in the late afternoon. A sloping embankment leads to the upper part of Kevin's yard and the boys' clubhouse, and is simply carpeted with wild strawberries.

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