Friday, July 19, 2013


Day 290: If this guy had ordered a custom paint job from the military, they couldn't have done a better job of camouflage! When I stopped to photograph the sunflowers at the Mountain Community Garden in Eatonville, I didn't notice the bees until I zoomed in and tightened the focus. Then I realized they were hard at work on several flowers, some rather a bit too close at hand for someone who's highly allergic to their stings.

The Mountain Community Garden leases raised beds for vegetables and provides a "commons" for growing taller plants. The Garden also hosts an area dedicated to cultivation of produce specifically destined for the Eatonville Food Bank. Last year, the Garden donated over 200 pounds of organically-grown vegetables, benefiting people who might otherwise not have been able to afford a healthful diet.


  1. What a marvelous photo! You almost miss the busy bee amongst the color, which makes for a magnificent camouflage opportunity. Excellent job, Crow!
