Friday, January 10, 2014

Distant Civilizations

Day 100: Forget mathematical formulae, recordings of whale voices and models of the hydrogen atom. Open the avenue for communication with a bar of chocolate! This scrumptious morsel (all 250 grams of it) came to me from the alien world of New Zealand in the hands of one of my Park colleagues. She brought back a selection and allowed members of the staff to take their pick. With a goodly supply of dark choccie in my larder, I went for macadamia over mint. You can bank on one thing: it'll be gone at warp speed!


  1. I have a sign that reads: "I know money can't buy happiness but it can buy chocolate and that's kind of the same thing."

  2. Oh yes Crow - a NZ best ever chocolate!!!! They also have another one called L+P - it has little bits in which burst in your mouth, long after you bit into the chocolate. YUM!
