Tuesday, June 10, 2014

I've Got Those Old Delphinium Blues

Day 253: Forget what you've heard about Hummingbirds' fondness for the color red. Just plant some Delphiniums in your garden and they'll scorn the feeders in preference for diving head-first into one of these rich blue blossoms.

Shortly after I purchased this property, a friend came up to help me renovate the old grassed-over flower beds. We excavated to a depth of 18", filtering the soil through our fingers and retaining any root which looked like birth a desirable plant. In so doing, we found the Delphiniums which were to become the foundation for my current "hummingbird garden," although I didn't realize it at the time. When the first Hummers arrived to sip nectar, I bought several feeders and filled them, but they went unnoticed until the Delphiniums had faded. The feeders hang nearby to provide the equivalent of a "fast-food snack" for my little clients while they wait in line for a table at Café Delphine.

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