Wednesday, July 9, 2014

Fishing Chambers Lake

Day 282: For years now, I have been bemoaning the fact that with Fish and Wildlife catering to the trout crowd, there were no good lakes left if you wanted to pursue the spiny-ray fishes: bass, bluegill, perch, crappie. Well, not only is Chambers Lake (Thurston County) home to all those species, it's a kayaker's delight. The shoreline is heavily infested with lily pads, perfect habitat for wily bass. By hugging the lily line at the risk of getting hung up, trolling a Blue Fox spinner at a slow paddling speed seemed to be the ticket. A white Roostertail also worked. My score for the day was five bass (largest, 13"), four perch (all small) and two bluegills (one of which would have made a pair of nice filets if I'd kept it). This smallie was hooked a little too deeply to shake off easily, so I brought it inside the boat where I was less likely to do any major damage while removing the hook. It headed back for the lily pads when I returned it to the water.

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