Saturday, July 19, 2014

Oregon Spring

Day 292: My mouth is watering already! I have never had tomatoes ripen earlier than late August, not here in my mountain garden, but Oregon Spring was developed for this climate and it is proving to be the best producer even over Sweet Million, my other favourite. What at first I took to be a rot issue at the stem end has panned out to be nothing more than a little sun-scald or water damage. Several four-inch fruits are beginning to show color.

I purchased strong plants in four-inch pots this year, and I think that's part of the secret. Buying smaller plants means they have less time to develop. Even so, last year's crop filled my kitchen window where I put them to ripen, eating them one by one as they matured off the vine. These, though...these promise sun-warmed, juicy goodness within the next two weeks. No danger of frost between now and then! Hurrah for Oregon Spring!

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