Monday, November 24, 2014

Killdeer In The Dew

Day 42: I was out and about today, and as always, had the Albatross around my neck (i.e., the camera). true to the motto of the Scouts: "Be Prepared." I didn't really expect to find anything photo-worthy on this rather grey and gloomy day, but you never know when something may turn up. Today, it was half a dozen Killdeers skittering along in the grass of a sports facility. The focus is not as crisp as I'd have liked, but these nervous birds wouldn't allow me to get closer. I was fortunate to be able to get this shot at 74x digital zoom.

The Killdeer (a plover) goes by the Latin name Charadrius vociferus, and lives up to the latter part quite famously. These six birds were calling almost constantly, "Kill-deeeeeeeer! Kill-deeeeeeer!", another example of a bird whose common name has been derived from its call. The Killdeer is also known for performing the well-known broken-wing display to lure predators away from its nest or young.

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