Monday, April 25, 2016

Pine Siskin, Carduelis Pinus

Day 195: I did a rough census of birds at my feeders yesterday and came up with a total of 17 species. Today, we'll make that 18. As soon as I hung up the thistle-seed feeder, the Pine Siskins came rushing to the table. Given that they are reported to be in decline in most other areas where they occur, I am overjoyed to have them here even if it does mean I'll never see a Chickadee in my yard. The two species are known to avoid proximity, so occasionally, I do see Chickadees in the brush across the road. That said, the Siskins are equally friendly toward humans, and will sometimes sit in my hand for a feed.

If you're curious with respect to those seventeen species yesterday, the list included Ravens, Crows, Steller's Jays, Band-Tailed Pigeons (unwelcome), Eurasian Collared-Doves (also unwelcome), Starlings (even more unwelcome), Robins (boring), Brown-Headed Cowbirds, Red-Winged Blackbirds, Purple Finches, Goldfinches, Golden-Crowned Sparrows, White-Crowned Sparrows, Dark-Eyed Juncos, Rufous Hummingbirds, Spotted Towhees and of course Porch Parrots (i.e., Evening Grosbeaks). I usually have Song Sparrows as well. As I remarked to friends, "This is why my birdseed bill is bigger than my grocery bill."

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