Wednesday, September 28, 2016

MeadoWatch Patrol

Day 351: My favourite month slipped by with little time for hiking or any other outdoor activity, so I was grateful to get out on my last MeadoWatch patrol of the year without having to don rain gear. It was a little chilly when I set out, but that's one of the things I love about September: it lets you work out without getting too steamed. The sky was mostly overcast and although clouds obscured the Mountain, the seasonal colour was stunning in the meadows. There was suprisingly more data to record for the target wildflower species than I'd expected this late in the season. Even at this high point (the last stop on my patrol from Reflection Lake), Western Anemones were releasing their seeds and some lupine pods had not yet burst. That said, it seemed to have been a poor year for Sitka Valerian, at least in this local micro-ecology.

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