Tuesday, December 27, 2016

Little Things

Day 75: Sometimes little things pack the wallop. I've mentioned the "12 Days of Christmas" gift exchange I share with two east-coast friends. One #12 gift (Christmas morning) was a very small, light box from Mousie, aka Alison. My initial reaction of "What the...?" lasted no longer than it took to think it. Then I burst out laughing, surprised and deeply moved by the significance of a tiny metal pea pod holding three peas, symbols of three sisters-of-the-heart who, by some bizarre twist of fate, happened to have been born miles apart and to different parents. It took me a while to figure out where I wanted to put it so that it could remind me of my friends every day, and I finally settled on entrusting it to a rustic raven, a wood-carving which sits atop my desk with other representations of corvids. Raven is often represented carrying a star in his beak in classic Americana, perhaps a spin-off from the native peoples' legends which say he stole a piece of the sun to bring light and fire to the Earth. The love my "sisters" and I share certainly brightens my day and warms my heart!

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