Thursday, December 29, 2016


Photo courtesy Kevin Bacher

Day 77: Everyone needs a little magic in their life. How else could it have come to pass that a person who asserts that she loves children best when accompanied by a hot, sweet chutney and side salad flew into a role as Evernia the Christmas Faerie? There certainly had to be a lot of magic at work to effect such a dramatic transformation. The young lady in this photo (daughter of a Park employee) approached hesitantly at first, skittered off as soon as the Faerie had given her a gift, but minutes later returned to remark in utter awe, "Your hair is WHITE!" The ice broken, her confidence increased and she engaged me in an animated conversation while other kids gathered behind her. Their faces were lost to me in myopic blur; in fact without my glasses, I could barely tell that my little friend's dress was blue and sparkled like the midnight sky. It is impossible to say which one of us felt the magic of this moment more strongly.

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