Saturday, September 23, 2017

Reading Rhubarb

Day 345: Between weather and schedule, it's been hard for me to round up "blog shots" for the last several days, so today I went out for a walk at Park Headquarters and came home with absolutely nothing to show for my time and effort. Frustrated, I turned to the yard and discovered that one enormous rhubarb leaf had changed colour when none of the rest had. I captured a close-up, not intending it for a post, but then I recalled that years ago, a friend had pasted a city street map over one of my photos of a catalpa leaf, a trick which I'd found quite amusing. I wondered if I could find an appropriate map for the rhubarb, and while browsing topos for Eatonville and east to the Mountain, I was struck by the similarity in topography between the rhubarb and Lynch Creek. It took a while to figure out how to merge the two to best effect.

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