Wednesday, November 15, 2017

Yarn Holder

Day 33: Knitters use a variety of containment systems for their working yarns. I've seen the thread emerging from a ceramic elephant's trunk, for example, or from a hole in the top of a lidded basket. I've used cardboard boxes, coffee cans, and yes, even a knitter's caddy, but mostly, I just put the skein on the chair beside me if it's being used in a short-term project like socks. My knitting assistant is keeping it from slipping off onto the floor.

Skunk came to me at six weeks old, a feisty little thing who'd fended off two kitten-eating dogs at the cost of nearly losing a paw. Consequently, she wasn't the friendliest of cats, didn't like being touched, wouldn't sit on my lap. When she was seven, she lost her hearing and went into a severe and nearly fatal decline. During her recovery, her personality changed. Now she demands lap-time and will insert herself under whatever project is in my hands, there to sleep until I can no longer resist the urge to get up and move around. As yarn holders go, you can't beat one which also serves as a purring lap-warmer!

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