Monday, April 16, 2018

Changeup From Spoons

Day 185: Watson's didn't have any "Spoon Flower" Osteospermums when I was there last week, so after seeing some of the other beautiful colours available in standard Osteos, I decided to change things up a bit. I think these two will look lovely together in the big pot at the end of my sidewalk, and if any dark purple Spoons come in, I'll make a home for one just off the back porch. As far as I know, the spatulate petal form has only been hybridized in the white and purple varieties. I hope they're working on that red one! Osteospermums are easy to grow and put on a show all summer long. I've never tried wintering them over, but last year's Spoons held onto their leaves even past the first light frosts.

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