Sunday, April 1, 2018

Nephroma Resupinatum

Day 170: Some of you may recall that my search for kidneys at Longmire was recently rewarded when a gust of wind shook another small sample of Nephroma helveticum loose from the upper canopy. Well, I now have a second species in my photographic catalog: Nephroma resupinatum. I can't take credit for the find. It was shared with me by Lalita Calabria, one of the professors who served as leads on the Northwest Lichenologists' field trip to Deschutes Falls Park. To my credit, when she showed it to me, I identified it as a Nephroma immediately, but knew better than to venture any further into specific species. Lalita was very helpful. She turned the twig over so that I could see the lower surface of the lichen and pointed out the small white "pimples" which are diagnostic.

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