Wednesday, April 11, 2018

Vinyl Day

Day 180: Every year, I try to save up so that I can have some project done on my home and property. It might be something as simple and inexpensive as painting a room or, like last year, as costly as gravelling the driveway. It might manifest as digging a new flower bed or planting a tree, or it might be something urgent, like fixing a leaky roof. As a low-income homeowner, I have occasionally had financial assistance from community resources for the more major projects, and this had my two big living room windows replaced out of my own pocket while a service group funded replacement of the kitchen sliding glass door. I've been on the wait list for three years, and held off replacing the windows in the hopes of getting a better deal from the contractor if they could do all the work at once. It was a wise move.

It took these two gentlemen just over three hours to remove the old single-pane aluminum frames and pop in new double-pane vinyl. There were no unpleasant surprises (something I'd been worried about), and the job went very smoothly. It is s much quieter in my living room now, and I'm sure the savings on my heating bill will pay for the windows in the long term.

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