Thursday, November 29, 2018

Arnie's Retirement

Day 47: Arnie's retirement party was today, the last day I will see him in the work environment. I am sad, but happy for him and Sara at the same time. They'll be in the area a little while longer, but then they hope to be off to Ashland OR and volunteer service at Crater Lake. It feels like a forever-goodbye, but he's assured me they'll be back to do some hiking in the Park next summer.

I took a lunch walk to practice my presentation speech, found myself at Cougar Rock 1.5 miles from the office without really realizing how far I'd gone. Even so, I couldn't get through everything I wanted to say, my voice faltering and the tears coming to my eyes. I've seen a lot of people come and go in Park Service, but there has been no one I'll miss as much as Arnie.

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