Tuesday, January 8, 2019


Day 87: #Shutdown. I should probably just leave this here without any explanation because I don't trust myself to speak on the subject without using all of my father's tractor-starting words. I come from an era when misbehaving children were spanked, and it's my considered opinion that a hairbrush applied to a certain individual's backside would not have gone amiss. In fact, a belt might have been insufficient. It might have even taken several good horse-whippings out behind the barn to convince said individual that tantrums were not to be tolerated, but by gawd, I'd have thrashed him within an inch of his life if he'd been a child of mine. Petulance is expected in children under three. Whining often persists into the early teens when outright rebellion takes hold, but by the time a person has reached voting age, they should have gained enough life experience to understand that things are not always going to go their way. That we have such an incorrigible brat seated in the highest office of our country is unforgiveable and a sad commentary on the state of American social development.

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