Thursday, May 30, 2019

Another Name Bites The Dust

Day 229: As of this writing, you may still refer to Aphyllon purpureum by its synonym Orobanche uniflora, but at the rate Latin binomials are being revised, that terminology may change by the time I hit the "post" button. I'm trying to keep up, honest I am, but there are moments when I just want to reach out through the ether to throttle the first taxonomist I can lay my hands on. ITIS (Integrated Taxonomic Information System) still lists it as Orobanche, but I happen to know that my contact at the Burke Museum has more up-to-date sources. Burke puts it under Aphyllon purpureum, and I accept their authority.

In any event, this lovely flower has no foliage. The leaves you see in the photo belong to Suksdorfia ranunculifolia (I checked...that nomenclature is current, and the plant will be the subject of a future post). While Oroba...dammit...Aphyllon frequently grows in the same environments, it is parasitic on several different species of sedum (small succulents, specifically S. oreganum and S. divergens in Mount Rainier National Park). It draws nutrients from its host and cannot exist independent of it. Research is being done to determine if the relationship goes two ways, but current studies do not indicate any benefit to the sedum. It is also parasitic on some members of the pea family, hence its common name "Naked Broomrape." "Broom" refers to the legumes (think "Scotch broom") and "rape" comes from Latin "rapum," meaning "a tuber."

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