Saturday, January 11, 2020

Doing Nothing

Day 90: Seriously, I have tried to do nothing. I think the longest I've been able to sustain the state was roughly 43 seconds before I fidgeted off and picked up some kind of hand-work or went out to pull weeds or take a walk. That said, occasionally I need some type of "brainless project" as a break from my usual level of activity, especially when I've been housebound for any length of time. We are currently under threat of Snowmageddon, although flakes certainly don't seem to be materializing. However, I have recorded 4.70" of rain thus far for January, and that's just not the kind of weather you can go lichen-hunting in. My disposition is foul, my temper is short, my attention span even shorter, so I needed something I could work on in fifteen-second spurts. Tatting! It's easy to lay down, easy to pick up. I prefer needle-tatting to using a shuttle, but this frequently necessitates adjusting patterns to accommodate the different technique. After a few false starts, I had all the kinks (figurative and literal) worked out of an edging and am now on the fourth iteration of one which will be applied to sachets. As for doing nothing, I say, "Not for me, nothing doing!"

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