Monday, October 26, 2020

The Greatest Thing Since...

Day 13: Over fifty years. That's how long I've been making my own bread: over fifty years. Bread-making is part of my household routine, just like washing the dishes, putting on a new bog roll, vacuuming and dusting (well, maybe not vacuuming and dusting...I have better things to do than vacuum and dust). "Bread Day tomorrow," I say to myself as I pull the second half loaf from last week's baking out of the freezer, or "Gotta put sourdough start down tonight" as I set out a pan to remind myself to do it before bed. Why, then, have I never bought a bread slicer? I've struggled with lopsided slices forever, and although I've never actually sliced a finger, I've come way too close for comfort. Now by "bread slicer," I do not mean some fancy gadget which does the slicing for you. I suppose to be semantically correct, this simple non-mechanical device should be called a "bread slice gauge," but that's too much work to say. Even Amazon refers to it as a "bread slicer" despite its notable absence of a blade. Yes, I finally took the plunge, and with even slices falling like dominoes from each cut, I have to say that it's the greatest thing...well, you know the phrase...the greatest thing since sliced bread.

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