Friday, June 25, 2021

One Big Happy Myrio Family

Day 255: A run into the Park at this point in terms of snow-melt would not have been complete without a visit to (mumble) to check on Myriosclerotinia caricis-ampullaceae. While I am no longer overly concerned with the health and safety of this rare fungus after having found a super-abundance of it at another location within the Park boundaries, it is nice to see it alive and well at the site where my botany partners and I first found it. We have now mapped at least half a dozen areas where it occurs, some well-populated and others sparse. Knowing that it grows only on a few types of sedge has helped narrow our searches. At this location which we refer to as "Site A" (the only one currently snow-free), I found 40-60 cups on Wednesday. The largest two were approximately 15 mm in diameter.

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