Thursday, June 30, 2022

Portulaca In A Pot

Day 260: For all of Portulaca being described as "self-sowing," a phrase which inclines one to think it would be easy to grow, I have had very little luck starting it from seed. Late this spring, I found myself with one prepared container and nothing to put in it, so I wandered around in a nursery for half an hour until something caught my eye. A four-inch starter pot with several colours and a reasonable price of $2 made it irresistible. It has proven to be quite a worthwhile investment as it is now beginning to take over the container, and its patchwork of warm hued flowers rising above succulent foliage brightens my mornings when I look out the kitchen door. Portulaca is also known as "Moss Rose." It is native to South America and withstands heat and dry soils fairly well.

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