Saturday, December 24, 2022

Merry Christmas From The Gang

Day 72: The Gang has emerged to help celebrate Christmas. Once a year, they leave the sanctity of the Bird Can to spend an hour or so with me, and then having spread their cheer, they go back into hiding until next year. There are a lot of special people here, and you might notice two non-avian members in the gathering if you look closely. Don't worry, they're not gate-crashers. They (Tippy and Mouse) were invited along with everyone else. There are some stories here too: Mascot, who was found trampled into the mud on an obscure trail. I couldn't leave him there, forgotten and unloved. After a bath and a good warm-up, he made a full recovery to join the group. The Three Sisters are present: Crow, Mouse and Goldfinch, as a set I crocheted for myself and my two sisters-of-the-heart, joined by a Blue Jay and a Cardinal. And there is Cocky, in the place of honour, carrying memories of someone more dear to my heart than any other. Next to Bomb from "Angry Birds," a preponderance of crows flocks together in the lower left, gifts from various friends who were unaware that a murder was going on ("murder" being a convocation of crows, of course). They have asked me in a chorus of chirps, caws, squawks, screeches and tweets to convey their best wishes to you for a happy holiday!

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