Saturday, October 14, 2023

Get 'Em While They Last

Day 1: Today opens the fourteenth year of my daily blog, so it seemed appropriate to have an "in with the new, out with the old" post, and Shaggymanes seemed as good an example as any. Both of these photos were taken day before yesterday. The image on the left shows Coprinus comatus almost at its prime. The loose ring encircling the stipe of the one in the center indicates that it is just beginning to turn to ink. It would still be harvestable at this point, although the bottom part of the cap might need to be trimmed away before cooking. The 'shroom in the foreground has some darkening where the cap touches the stipe. This also is a sign that it's nearing the end of its optimum culinary desirability. The image at the right shows Shaggies which are well past their expiry date, having suffered from two days of rain. That said, this transition can occur in the space of 24 hours, so get 'em while they're fresh!

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