Sunday, May 12, 2024

Lychnis Flos-cuculi, Ragged Robin

Day 212: Global Big Day may have been a bust (I only recorded 15 species), but at least I had a Ragged Robin. Thanks to one of my sisters-of-the-heart, I now have several growing in a large flower pot just outside the kitchen door. She sent me the seeds, but I rather suspect that the Juncoes found them to their liking since only a few rosettes developed. They did not form flowers last year, but this year, they are lush with buds. Lychnis flos-cuculi may also be called Silene flos-cuculi. Although it is an introduced species and has naturalized in the eastern US, it is not considered invasive, and is a popular addition to "wild" gardens. Pink or not, I'm happy to give Ragged Robin a home in my yard. As for the poor turnout for my Big Day, I'm blaming sunspots.

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