Wednesday, June 19, 2024

Merry The Weaver

Day 250: Okay, I know I said I wasn't going to bury my readers in kitten pictures, but how could I possibly resist posting this one? Merry helped weave that rag rug he's sitting on, and by "help," I mean that he made sure the warp came off the roller evenly by inserting himself beneath it, checked the underside of the cloth to be sure I hadn't left any floats, and when I cut the first two rugs off (there's only so much space between the cloth roller and the table), he assisted in testing the knots when I retied the warp ends. 8/4 rug warp withstands a three-pound kitten walking gingerly across the web of threads or using them as a hammock. The fun of weaving has taken on a whole new dimension with my little helper's participation.

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