Saturday, June 15, 2024

Nature Photography Day

Day 246: It seems like every day has some special significance attached to it now, perhaps with a dozen or more occasions being recognized. I do try to remember Towel Day and International Talk Like a Pirate Day, but I always miss things like World Cat Day, National Coffee Day, etc. Apparently all it takes to have a special "national" day is to register it with the "National Day Calendar." Seems kinda stupid to me to have a "National Foam Party Day" (also today), but there ya go. Why not? Or equally, why? I stumbled across the fact (a term I use loosely in this context) that today is Nature Photography Day. Now that's a concept I can get behind! And since my time is now almost exclusively devoted to making sure one special kitten is comfortable in his forever home, I escaped out the back door while he was napping, snapped a picture of the first blooming thing I saw in my yard, and managed to get back inside the house before he discovered I was gone. Although I didn't register it as a national day, Happy Honeysuckle!

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