Wednesday, June 26, 2024

The Welcome-Home Begonia

Day 257: In this instance, even my blog is no help. As far back as 2020, I posted that I had lost count of the years I've kept this Begonia tuber going. Every fall when the cold weather begins to settle in and perhaps has even silvered the yard with a light frost or two, I break off the remaining stems, dust off the dirt, and wrap the tuber in a paper towel which I then place in the "jam cupboard" in the cool corner of the kitchen. It stays there until some time in March, whereupon I bring it out, unwrap it and stick it in its pot by a window. It usually has a few stem buds by that time, and within a very few days, the first leaves will begin to unfold. After I feel certain that frost will not touch it under the protection of the carport, I sit the pot on the front step where the flowers can welcome me home when I go out. The cultivar is called "Non-Stop." They could have called it "Old Faithful" for my nickel.

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