Thursday, July 18, 2024

First Bath

Day 279: "Okay," I said, "you wanta be in the kitchen sink? This is what happens to little kitties who get in the kitchen sink." I removed the bowl he'd been investigating, turned the water on over the side basin to warm up, and when I had the temperature set, I put the stopper in the drain, fully expecting panic to ensue. Surprisingly, it did not, not even when I sloshed the water over his back. Having come that far without teeth or toenails becoming embedded in my anatomy, the next step was to swing the faucet around so the water was running directly on him. It was almost as if he'd expected it. He just stood there, getting wetter by the minute with the water level in the sink rising around his ankles. I lifted up his front paws, splashed water on his tummy. He was unfazed. I didn't soak him thoroughly, nor did I apply kitty shampoo, but for a first bath experience, Merry gets a gold star for good behaviour. He didn't even mind being towel-dried.

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