Friday, July 26, 2024

Tall Phlox

Day 287: The Tall Phlox standing three feet high on the far side of the Barren Wasteland comes under the umbrella of "don't blame me." I'm sure that at least 95% of my readers know my opinion of the colour pink by now, and while the Phlox is bright enough to be allowed special dispensation, it still falls within the ranks of "pink" and therefore is not one of my favourite features. However, it came with the house and for a long time, it and the Bergenia (also pink) were the only things I could get to grow there. Now it must be said that the former owners of this property had one of the poorest senses of colour I have ever seen, and they applied it lavishly to the interior of the house as well. The living room drapes and carpet were a mix of orange and a dirty light brown. The walls of the living room had also been orange at some point, but were apparently painted over in universal eggshell for the sale of the property. The backsplash in the kitchen was covered with contact paper (also with an orange design), countertops coordinating in a brown-and-orange pebble, and the linoleum was a brown my mother would have called "sick calf" in polite company, and something far more rurally evocative to those who were more accustomed to her descriptive vocabulary. It was several years before I managed to eliminate completely the orange/brown theme, and I was never so happy as the day when the last of it went down the road in the remodelers' truck, destined for the dump. The garden has been harder to "repaint." I cannot bear to destroy a living plant other than invasives, and especially not one which grows where nothing else will take hold. I'll just have to live with pink when it pops up in the Barren Wasteland.

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