Monday, July 15, 2024

Unassailable Logic

Day 276: I am not unreasonable. When presented with unassailable logic, I am willing to look at a situation from a different viewpoint, to give ground on my position. Strange cardboardy sounds in the kitchen were followed by a deafening silence, the "tell" of a small cat exploring somewhere a small cat would probably not be allowed. Was he behind the microwave again? No, I'd blocked that up. I had not heard the clink of china, so he wasn't in the dish rack, and the obvious temptation of the counter and its container of kitty crispies yielded no sign of a small grey cat. He was not having a private moment in his litter box or lurking beside the pillar of the table, ready to attack my leg. "Where's Merry?" I said, expecting him to leap out from cover. Nope, no cat. He hadn't slipped by me. Of that I was reasonably certain, although he moves like a streak of greased lightning. "Where's that little Merry cat?" I asked again. I heard another faint cardboardy noise, sufficient to direct my eyes to the shelves where I store my canning jars. There, a small grey head appeared over the edge of an empty box. No, correct that. A small grey head appeared over the edge of an unmistakable cat bed of perfect size and configuration. The logic was flawless. My side of the debate never stood a chance.

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