Friday, August 16, 2024

Mantel Cat

Day 308: Bastet/Bubastis/Bast was an Egyptian deity, often portrayed with a woman's body and a cat's head, but this reproduction of a museum piece shows her in full cat form. As a god, she can sit on the fireplace mantel if she damn well wants to, a privilege Merry is coming to understand does not apply to him. The problem is that although he's bigger than she is now, he's close to the same colour, and sometimes when I come around the corner with my weapon in hand (the spray bottle), I don't always recognize him when he's sitting in roughly the same pose. To date, I have not sprayed Bast without differentiating statue cat from live cat, but sometimes Merry, sitting very still, gets away with several minutes of forbidden mischief before my eyes sort him out.

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