Wednesday, September 4, 2024

Diverging From Plan

Day 327: It is impossible to place too much emphasis on the most important thing in the weaver's toolbox: adaptability. Very often, our grand ideas don't take shape precisely as we had envisioned them, and since a lot of work is involved before we can do a trial run, we may be called upon to adapt rather than revise, to work within the established parameters rather than backtracking to set up new ones. I sometimes refer to this process as "having to do some fancy dancin'," and that was certainly the case with "A German Bird's-eye" and my mental picture of the interplay of colours. For my first two towels on this draft, I used a yellow weft and then a light blue one. I was not particularly pleased with either result because the whole scheme seemed muted and drab. For the third towel, I decided to go bold and emphasize the red warp stripe, and although it's still not ideal, it falls within my standard for "acceptable." And it's bright, definitely bright.

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