This is the 15th year of continuous daily publication for 365Caws. All things considered, it's likely it will be the last year as it is becoming increasingly difficult for me to find interesting material. However, I hope that I may have inspired someone to a greater curiosity about the natural world with my natural history posts, or encouraged a novice weaver or needleworker. If so, I've done what I set out to do.
Sunday, February 16, 2025
First, Remove The Cat
Day 127: Several times, I've been asked to demonstrate how I sew handwoven panels together to make a tablecloth or coverlet. First, remove the cat. That will make the process go a lot more smoothly. Seriously, though...beating evenly and measuring each motif as the actual weaving progresses to be sure it's within tolerance is critical to making a piece from panels. I cannot emphasize that strongly enough. With 8/2 cotton and (for example) a 2" motif, I insist that the number of passes be +/- one thread or I pick out the motif and re-weave it. If the motif I have just woven is one thread too long, I'll beat the next one just a tiny bit harder so that it comes out one thread short. Then, when I'm sewing the panels together, I can ease the difference. That said, the actual stitch is a simple whip stitch, picking up the "bumps" where the thread turns at the selvedge. As a right-hander, I pick up the bump on the right panel first, then the corresponding bump on the left panel, and when I draw the thread through both bumps, I pull it away from myself (not toward my body), drawing the left bump into alignment with the right. With overshot, I only join the tabby bumps. As for the Russian Blue bump, he's sure I wove this tablecloth just for him. (Crackle-weave Fantasy VI, HPB green version, p. 196)
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