Thursday, February 27, 2025

Good Day For A Hike

Day 138: Good weather finally made an appearance here in the Pacific Northwest, and since I already had to make a trip to the library, I decided to take a walk on the Bud Blancher Trail. As walks go in my book, three miles wasn't much, although it was an improvement on sitting. I was able to set a good pace and only allowed myself to be distracted by lichens once I'd reached my goal of the Little Mashel bridge and was ready to turn around. I didn't want to leave Merry locked in the bathroom for too long, despite having made him as comfortable as possible with food, a kitty bed, toys and his litter box. He is coming to the conclusion that "library" is a swear-word when Mama tells him she has to be gone for a while. In any event, while at the bridge, I braved blackberry vines to reach the Graphis scripta tree, and a future post will show the lichen. It's always nice to visit old friends.

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