Day 118: Let's get one thing straight right up front: I am not impressed by eagles. I know, yes, there was a time when we were worried about the survival of the species, but no longer. In fact, here in the Pacific Northwest they're fairly common. Today, walking along the Bud Blancher Trail in the snow, I saw half a dozen or so ranging from juveniles (above) to adults, lined up in the trees and ready to perform their duties as garbage collectors. They'll eat the salmon carcases which wash up on the banks of the river, and they're always here in numbers during spawning season. Another good place to find them is at the county dump, joining forces with simiilarly-minded gulls and pigeons to rummage through the trash. They are far from the "noble" distinction put on them by humans. We'd have been better served to make the national bird the turkey, as suggested by Ben Franklin. At least you can eat a turkey.
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