Monday, February 28, 2011

Where The *Bleep* Is Spring?

Day 138: This is not your typical Pacific Northwest end-of-February weather. This is a misplaced late-December or early-January snow, but it didn't read the job description, didn't get the memo, showed up late for work on its first assignment and now because of union issues, we're having trouble getting rid of it. It's a vagrant snow. It wandered in from nowhere in particular and now it wants to lay around, shiftlessly. It is obstructing the orderly process which leads to swelling buds and froggy chorales, to birdsong and to those pairings and partnerships the Spring generates, and it seems to have come to stay. My fear is that when it goes, it will do so in a rush of warm rain, wreaking havoc in its path. It comes too close to April showers, this excess of snow, and somewhere beneath it, my daffodils are waiting.

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