Day 190: Light, bent and warped by glass, opens a window on sunrise in a parallel universe. Since I was a small child, mirrors and reflections have fascinated me. With poor vision, I soon discovered that a mirror contains the dimension of depth despite being a flat plane of glass with a thin silver backing. I can see no more detail in a reflection despite its similarity to a photograph than I can if I were to view the scene in reality, or at least not without my glasses. What Einsteinian secrets are in the physics of a mirror to create this phenomenon? And surely, if this is not physical depth, then what is it? Is it a window into a theoretical dimension, one of the 26 postulated by current science? The concept is out of reach of a group mind still too young to grasp it. I feel the answer so keenly that it aches to be let out, but I cannot touch it, cannot express it mathematically, cannot quantify or qualify it for extraction. These are the puzzlements which have kept me awake o'nights for lo, these many years, but the veil remains. My vision is clouded, in theory and in that dratted mirror.
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