Thursday, November 17, 2011

Strange Woodland Creatures

Day 35: Well, it's been a while since I did any geocaching, so today I decided to pick up the three hides closest to home. The first one was uninspired, a tube containing a sheet of log paper stuffed in the end of a guardrail. No surprises there. I think if you checked guardrails in your area, you'd find geocaches every 528' (the distance established as being the minimum from another cache). The second was a dubious placement: a decent cache, but I could almost guarantee that the cacher who put it there neglected to ask permission, and the coordinates were off. The third...well, this photo shows me at the third.

Every now and then, someone comes up with some cute, clever, innovative, unusual or otherwise memorable idea for a hide. This one certainly qualifies. It was hidden in young reprod forest, only a few feet from the road and almost invisible where it was sunk in a small hollow. I had been looking for something like a pile of sticks behind a stump, so spotted the bright purple lid of the container first. Then as my gaze lifted, I burst out laughing. It's amazing what you can miss when your focus is fine-tuned to seek something else.

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