Friday, January 20, 2012

Storm Blues

Day 99: The Breakfast Batch numbered close to two dozen this morning as availability of food is becoming more of an issue. They arrived in a flock before I got the door closed behind me, waiting patiently until I'd gone inside before massing on the crow board to gobble down dog kibble. The jays nosed in whenever they flew away, started by something, and in less than ten minutes, the goodies were gone and tummies weren't yet filled.

Feeding the crows and other birds is not solely my self-assumed neighborhood responsibility. Clyde also provides. Sometimes his offerings will be nothing more than table scraps, but in conditions such as we're now experiencing, he often buys a bag of cracked corn at a local feed store and spreads it by the half-gallon in his driveway. Not a speck will go to waste, and keeping the larger birds full allows the smaller ones to enjoy their ration of seeds at leisure.

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