Day 139: What happens when you come to the end of infinity? Does it loop back on itself as the name suggests, to devour its own tail like the Worm Ouroboros? Does it go 'round an unseen dimensional bend to emerge in an alternate universe? Cats know, and I suspect that's why Schroedinger put one in a box. He hated cats because they knew something his poorly developed human mind couldn't grasp. He put the cat in the box and left us to wonder whether it was dead or alive, or perhaps both simultaneously, but regardless of its condition, the cat knew something Schroedinger didn't know, and it had known it all along. That's why Schroedinger put it in the box. Schroedinger hated cats. He hated cats because they understood dimensional physics better than he could ever hope to do. Every time Schroedinger saw a cat staring off into infinity, he felt threatened and diminished in his hypothetical human superiority. He knew that cat was seeing something he couldn't see, a new dimension. Perhaps it was too large for him to perceive, or perhaps too small. In either case, Schroedinger's eye failed him and so did his mind. That's why Schroedinger hated cats. That's why he put one in a box and tormented us with its unanswerable question.
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